More than one in every ten adults has heart disease. One in One Hundred Ten babies has heart disease. Mended Hearts is the largest peer-to-peer heart support organization in the world (members from 33 countries). With over 250 chapters and 440 Hospitals nationwide, Mended Hearts works to educate and support those afflicted with heart disease. In 2023, there were 115,155 members. We give hope and encouragement to others through our education and support programs including monthly educational meetings, newsletters, and social gatherings. We have three principles with our organization support, education, and advocacy.
Mended Heart’s activities include:
Visiting cardiac patients (with physician approval) to offer encouragement and support to them and their loved ones;
Distributing educational information;
Encouraging patients to participate in St Peter’s cardiac rehabilitation program;
Organizing and facilitating support groups which provide physical and emotional support;

Cardiac Rehab
Inspiring long-term heart healthy lifestyle.
Membership Meetings are usually on the second Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm.
Chapter Activity Pictures Link