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From Michele, Editor:
I enjoy being the newsletter editor for our chapter, I do this project as part of giving back to the members, their families. I want the members to feel connected to the chapter by upcoming events, chapter meeting speakers, luncheons. The computer is the best place.🖥 for me at this time. Do what you enjoy.
Members can submit the following for the MH newsletter. Health Articles, from websites such as AARP, American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association. Recipes – Heart Healthy Member Stories: Stories about their heart event or a caregiver story can be submitted article-can be about what the caregiver & the family went through. How they felt when they found out their loved one had heart disease. Family input also. Birthdays: Month & day is all. What the members have been doing upcoming trips for the summer what they have been doing during the Pandemic. Important milestones or events for your family. Articles for the Mended Hearts newsletter can be submitted to Michele at